Privacy Policy
Japan Polychem Corporation (JPC) is committed to protecting your personal information, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, and E-mail addresses ('Personal Information') that you may provide to JPC in the course of JPC's business. As a part of that commitment, JPC will protect Personal Information from unnecessary disclosure, and agrees to maintain Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy:
- JPC will comply with Japanese Act for Protection of Personal Information and related laws and regulations, and JPC will treat Personal Information in accordance with generally recognized standards for the treatment of such information. JPC will, from time to time, review its practices for the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information in order to assure compliance with the laws and regulations.
- JPC will implement rules to treat Personal Information and familiarize its employees with these rules. JPC will request business partners with access to JPC's Personal Information to treat such information in accordance with these rules.
- In each instance when JPC collects Personal Information, JPC will specify the purpose of its use. JPC will treat Personal Information within the confines of such specified purpose.
- JPC will maintain the privacy and security of Personal Information with appropriate measures to prevent the misuse, disclosure, loss, and falsification of Personal Information.
- JPC will provide you with access to your Personal Information in its control and, when appropriate, correct any information that is inaccurate or incomplete, or delete your Personal Information.